Thank you for using Computer Oasis! We are hoping to keep adding content to further help our community please follow the links in the top header for more information.
Our Business hours are
Monday through Friday 10am to 5PM and we are closed weekends
Recently there has been a lot of scamming whether via phone, text, email or website below are a few links to get you properly informed
Is your computer running slow? getting popups or just not cooperating give this free tool from Malwarebytes a try: https://www.malwarebytes.com/adwcleaner
just hit scan and clean anything it finds out ignore the preloaded apps list unless you know what they are. otherwise if you run into trouble bring the machine in and we can help you for certain and maintain your data as long as the drive is intact.
Have you considered a backup? backing up is still something from the old days that should be practiced if you need information on how to do that or where to start contact us or visit us in person at our contact page